Zigbee 3.0
Dusun-Programmable and Multi-protocol Mini IoT Gateway
By Hangzhou Roombanker Technology Co., Ltd.
Dusun mini IoT gatewayssupport many protocols for wireless connectivity types including ZigBee 1.2/3.0, BLE(4.0/5.0/Mesh), Z-Wave, and Wi-Fi. The gateways support MQTT, COAP and other standard IoT internet protocols, which make them be able to connect to any cloud platform. They have integrated with plug-ins which can transfer data from and to many popular cloud platforms including Tuya, Ayla Networks, Alibaba IoT, Homekit, etc. The Gateways are built on open Linux OpenWrt system and programmable. The gateway SDKs and APIs let customers make their programs to control the data transfer procedure and use their security mechanism. Thus, Dusun gateways are suitable for many IoT applications and have been widely applied in home automation, smart office, agriculture, rental apartment and other IoT solutions.
Product Details
- SKU DSI-0177
- Firmware Version 3.12.30
- Hardware Version A
- Certificate ID ZIG19181ZB330423-24
- Certified Date 09/25/2019
- Compliance Document Download Compliance Document
- TIS/TRP Tested No
- Specification Version 1.0