Zigbee Smart Energy
IHD3-PPMID-AAA (00:19)
By Chameleon Technology (UK) Ltd
IHD3-PPMID-AAA is an integrated In Home Display and Prepayment Interface Device. It communicates with the meter set using Zigbee Smart Energy 1.4. The householder can view their energy information on the display. The user interface is easy to navigate and the product uses 7 touch sensitive buttons. In addition the IHD3-PPMID-AAA provides the user with the ability to top-up their prepayment account and re-enable their electricity supply.
Product Details
- SKU IHD3-PPMID-AAA (00:19)
- Firmware Version 2.0.0 (00:02:00:00)
- Hardware Version 1 (00_01)
- Certificate ID ZIG22027ZSE13107-24
- Certified Date 02/24/2022
- Compliance Document Download Compliance Document
- TIS/TRP Tested No
- Specification Version 1.4