Zigbee Smart Energy
KAIFA MA120 Single Phase Electricity Meter
By Shenzhen Kaifa Technology (Chengdu) Co., Ltd.
The MA120 series smart meter provides various functions to resident customers. It has many advantages such as low power consumption, easy to use, miscellaneous metering parameters and events, and prepayment features.
The meter equips a communication hub with a GPRS WAN and Zigbee HAN interface. The hub communicates with DCC head end system through GRPS. HAN network is composed of Gas meter, IHD, and micro-generator meter.
It is compliant with the Electricity Act 1989, Schedule 7 and relative regulations that implemented the European provisions into the GB statutory framework.
Product Details
- SKU MA120
- Firmware Version 12:09:94:16 (V12099416) / ZigBee V00000016
- Hardware Version V6.0 (41_30)
- Certificate ID ZIG19031ZSE12797-24
- Certified Date 04/12/2019
- Compliance Document Download Compliance Document
- TIS/TRP Tested No
- Specification Version 1.2b