Motion Sensor

By Develco Products A/S, Frient A/S

IAS Zone – Occupancy, light and room temperature detection.
The Motion Sensor from Develco Products lets you detect everything with only one device.

The Motion Sensor is battery powered and can detect occupancy, light & temperature. Place the Motion Sensor on a table or shelf, or use the mounting screws and place it flat on the wall, flat on the ceiling or in the corner.

With the wireless Motion Sensor, you will be able to set lights to turn on and off as you come and go. Moreover, you can install the temperature detector to trigger your smart thermostats or portable heaters to adjust the heat as people come and go.

The sensor is PIR based and is able to sense movement up to 6 meters from where the sensor is placed. The Motion Sensor includes two logical outputs – one for occupancy with high sensitivity and one for alarm with a lower sensitivity.

Readings from the sensor can be sent via a home automation system through SMS, e-mail, or web.
The Motion Sensor operates under the ZigBee Home Automation Standard, ensuring compatibility with other ZigBee Home Automation certified products. The ZigBee Home Automation Motion Sensor is configured as an end-device.

A battery life average of 3 years ensures minimal maintenance.

The Motion sensor features standard ZigBee OTA upgrade capability to accommodate for potential fixes or future improvements.

Visit Develco Products A/S, Frient A/S

Product Details

  • SKU MOSZB-130
  • Firmware Version 3.4
  • Hardware Version 3.1.0
  • Certificate ID ZIG16029ZHA25753-24
  • Certified Date 04/11/2016
  • Compliance Document Download Compliance Document
  • TIS/TRP Tested No
  • Specification Version 1.2.1

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