Zigbee Smart Energy
Smart Energy monitor
By Services Hilo inc.
The Smart Energy Monitor (SEM) allows a user to monitor his electric consumption via a Smart Energy Home Area Network provided by his electricity service provider. The SEM embeds Zigbee Smart Energy radiofrequency communication to connect the unit to the smart electricity network.
The user benefit of a simple command line interface to retrieve multiple metering information. The user can retrieve data periodically about the most recent summed value of electrical energy delivered from and generated to the electricity grid. He can also retrieve the current electrical demand. The SEM provide different information to help system maintenance like the quality of the RF link and details about the smart meter used.
Product Details
- SKU HH001-01
- Firmware Version 1.0
- Hardware Version 1.0
- Certificate ID ZIG19102ZSE12868-24
- Certified Date 10/29/2019
- Compliance Document Download Compliance Document
- TIS/TRP Tested No
- Specification Version 1.1b