Distributed Compliance Ledger
A trusted source of information about device provenance, certification status, and important setup and operation parameters.

Building a Safe and Secure IoT
The Distributed Compliance Ledger (DCL) is a cryptographically secure, distributed network that allows IoT device manufacturers and vendors, official test houses, and Certification Centers to publish public information about a given device or class of devices. Based on blockchain technology, it allows participants to update relevant device information that is cryptographically signed.
Cryptographically Secure
The DCL benefits from
- Multi-node network that is run by Alliance member companies.
- All transactions are Individually signed using pre-approved keys by the DCL trustees.
- As a blockchain ledger, the system fundamentally preserves an immutable record of transactions, which is authoritative, transparent, and publicly auditable.
- The participation of globally present Alliance members and the ease of adding new DCL nodes leads to accessibility and distribution of DCL data across geographical locations.
- Consensus protocol to ensure majority approval.
The DCL WebUI is an application to view and manage the information from the ledger. The DCL is permissionless for read operations and requires authorized accounts for writing operations.

Join the Alliance
Over 400 companies across the globe, spanning the entire IoT value chain, are actively involved in the Connectivity Standards Alliance. If you share our passion for shaping the future of the IoT, join us today!
Connect with the Alliance Certification Team
Have a question about Certification? We’re here to help.