Zigbee Smart Energy
By MeteRSit SRL
SMETS2 compliant domestic GSME for pure Hydrogen, supporting both 2.4 GHz and Sub-GHz Home Area Networks. The product, part of the larger Domusnext® 2.0 family, is marked as “MMU6”, as per SPAA registration of MeteRSit gas metering products in GB, where the additional marking ”H2” is added on the right, to indicate the intended gas application
Product Details
- Firmware Version Z600 52.10 22:12:2E:28
- Hardware Version 2238066.12 DV4 rev 1.42
- Certificate ID ZIG21081ZSE13070-24
- Certified Date 11/04/2021
- Compliance Document Download Compliance Document
- TIS/TRP Tested No
- Specification Version 1.4