Trio II Accessible Display (00:09)

By geo (Green Energy Options)

The Trio II Accessible Display (AIHD) has been specifically designed to enable a wide range of energy consumers with additional needs access to their energy consumption data in order to maximise the benefits of having a smart meter, in an inclusive way, allowing them to understand their energy usage in near real time without the need to rely on a purely visual display and or to be reliant on others to provide this such as family, friends or carers to help.

The AIHD is an energy industry initiative, coordinated by Energy UK and supported by the Royal National Institute of the Blind (RNIB), and has received ‘RNIB Tried and Tested’ certification following a heuristic assessment by RNIB usability and accessibility specialists and observed user testing with blind and partially sighted people.

Product Details

  • SKU PCK-AD-xxx
  • Firmware Version 05:07:01:00
  • Hardware Version 01_00
  • Certificate ID ZIG21032ZSE13021-24
  • Certified Date 05/28/2021
  • Compliance Document Download Compliance Document
  • TIS/TRP Tested No
  • Specification Version 1.4

More by geo (Green Energy Options)